SKILD Competition Event Management System
React, React Native , Apache Struts , Apache Struts 2 , AJAX , REST API , HTML , jQuery , JavaScript , Java , CSS , Quality Assurance , Automated Testing
Project Description:
Skild Competition Management System revolutionizes event coordination for major entities like CISCO, Electronics Arts, and government agencies. Skild Competition Management System streamlines the entire competition lifecycle, offering a seamless experience for both administrators and participants. With its intuitive design and powerful features, this system has garnered trust from industry giants and government bodies alike. It stands as a testament to innovation in competition management, ensuring efficiency and accuracy throughout the event process. This robust system comprises four distinct applications, catering to the diverse needs of competition stakeholders.
Super Admin App:
Centralized management hub for Skild administrators. Enables the creation of customized events tailored to client specifications. Features include the ability to toggle event functionalities based on client demands.
Admin App:
Empowers event administrators with comprehensive tools. Allows creation of registration forms, entry forms, and quick links. Facilitates the generation and analysis of custom reports. Manages user roles and permissions within the event.
Contestant App: Tailored for contestants participating in the event. Displays registration forms, entry forms, and quick links created by the admin. Provides a user-friendly interface for contestants to submit their data.
Judging App: Specially designed for event judges. Displays entry forms for evaluation and scoring based on predefined criteria.
e-Commerce Products
Project Provided rating to eCommerce Products and provide insight to Buyer and Manufacturers.
1. Product was developed for an Australian Based Client from Scratch.
2. Product was Developed in Java using Frameworks such as Spring & Hibernate.

DevOps & Solution Architecture
7thbillion was a social networking website developed in Java using frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate.
1. Main Features of this project was profile management which includes friends, albums, Videos, wall messages, inbox, live chat and hotspots.
2. Project was developed by Stafona solely as company's product.
3. Product was developed in Java, jsp, jstl, spring, hibernate and mySQL technologies.
Google Earth Platform known as Geostallars
Data related to Solar Radiations falling on every square meter Area in North America was integrated on related Google Earth Platform known as Geostallars
Main Aim of the project was to promote installation of Solar System in North America and encourage clients to determine how much solar radiation would affect any specific square meter Area of North America and what percentage of radiation falling on roofs would be converted into Watt-hour (Units) of electricity. Platform helped potential clients to resize their system based on their monthly and Annual consumption and promoted the idea of selling electricity back to National Grid and earning returns from the Government being Independent Power producers. Client would scroll to their rooftop on Google Earth like Platform and see Solar Radiation data which has fallen on his roof with complete, cumulative history with Daily, Monthly and yearly data and further, see return on investment by resizing his system and installation cost involved. Project was developed in Java, GWT where Stafona’s
Software developers coordinated the development work with the Geostallers Development team based in the United States. Stafona worked on the project for 1.5 years and the project was successfully concluded.

Electronic Medical Health Record System
ERP/CRM Software FreeMed is a complete solution for effective, reliable and Modern Management of Clinic Developers by Stafona.
1. Project was developed in Java using frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate.
2. Project was developed for all kinds and sizes of Health Care Unit.
3. Project was developed for our Client based in Florida, USA.
RapidBI is an Information Management System which provides her clients with tools such as Management Change, Organization Development, Business Development, People Development Products Products and Services.
This Product was developed in Java using frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate for a client based in the United Kingdom.
Gigzoo, live Video Streaming Project was developed for a Client based in Sanfrancisco, USA.
1. User can send invites for a live Video Conference and Meetings
2. Website was a Profile Management, Text Chat, Search Features and Payment Methods Integrated along with it.
3. Project was developed in Java, Jsp, jstl, spring, hibernate, flash and mySQL Technologies.
Gigzoo, Liive Video Streaming